I've always wanted to be a morning person. I, however, also adore sleep. You can see the dilemma. I must say, though, in my old age (I am in my late twenties now...) I've gotten a lot better. But there's still room for improvement. Lots of room. So, when I saw this article on Bustle on how to have a positive morning I thought - genius! Thanks, Bustle :) http://www.bustle.com/articles/102899-7-ways-to-start-your-day-positively-so-you-feel-happier-healthier-and-more-productive?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=owned&utm_campaign=bustle My favourites from the list include taking a moment for personal gratitude and nurturing yourself. I love waking up (after a good sleep) and taking a moment to lie in bed before getting up to work out. Of course I don't do this every day, I'm not superwoman. The gratitude idea is a nice way to transition from dreamland to reality, allowing me to really wake up before subjecting my body to an immediate sweat session. Cuddling is another nice way to start the day :) In an ideal world I would always wake up after a nice 7-8 hour deep sleep, cuddle and think of all I'm grateful for, work out, have a delicious and nutritious breakfast before hopping in the shower. A face or eye mask thrown in wouldn't hurt either. I think this is very doable - but how nice would it be to also have time to light a candle, do some reading, go for walk to get some fresh air or even do some writing? THAT would be a positive morning. I plan on working my way up to that point as right now I'm only somewhat successful at getting up early enough to allow for a short workout before the workday. I find morning "routines" fascinating. I love learning how people start their days - including you! Please leave some comments or suggestions below :) My name is Anna and I am a skincare junkie. My favourite thing to buy at Sephora is (shock, horror) not makeup, but skincare. I've loved pampering myself for as long as I can remember and started buying Lancome face cream when I was in high school. They discontinued my favourite moisturizer (still not over it) and since then I've been experimenting and searching for my ideal regimen. I thought the best way for me to introduce my love of skincare would be to show you my tried and tested daily routine. I should specify: I have dry, sensitive skin. The term "sensitive" in skincare kind of annoys me because a lot of people use it as a synonym for "sensitive to acne breakouts." I have sensitive skin in that many products give me a rash or a reaction. So, it's been an interesting journey on the search for the perfect routine. But, alas, I believe I've found it (at least for now ;) My most important tip in regards to skincare is to listen to your body. Not everyone needs a routine. Some people have great, fuss-free skin. They can literally splash some cold water on their face and call it a day. Some people can sleep in makeup and totally be fine with that. I enjoy taking care of my skin. I find it relaxing and it makes me feel pampered. So, I do the whole nine yards. I cleanse with a balm. I find it the best for my skin. However, skincare guru Caroline Hirons would suggest it is a great method for anyone with any type of skin. It involves massaging the balm into dry skin and removing it with a muslin cloth (a softer version of the terry facecloth). I simply adore this method of cleansing. The best balm I've found is by Antipodes (I've also tried Clinique, Liz Earle, Eve Lom, Ren and Josie Maran). I recently tried two samples from Sephora that I immediately bought in full size. They are a skin oil (I apply after cleansing - I don't really need to "tone" but do sometimes) from Fresh and a face cream from L'Occitane. They are game changers. My skin is no longer tight and feels amazing after I use both these products. They might not be needed in the summer, but they have been essential this winter.
I have yet to find the perfect eye cream but I do enjoy both of the ones pictured above. The Avene is for "sensitive" eyes (lovely and gentle) and the Origins sample is for brightening. I have bought the full size version of this in the past and have tried a bunch of different kinds since then. The hunt continues! Lastly, I use the Clarisonic every now and then for a deep clean/exfoliation. I used it more often when I worked in TV and wore tons and tons of makeup, but I still enjoy using it every week or two. The Korres lip butter pictured is also gorgeous. I keep it in the skincare drawer in my bathroom for a final step. Of course, as a true junkie, I also use serums, masks, toners, etc. etc. but I don't use them daily and I don't want to overwhelm you, my dear readers. Skincare "add ons" can be saved for another post on another day :) Do you have any skincare questions or recommendations? This week I took ill. It wasn't that bad, but it wasn't pleasant. I work from home so I was still able to work, but I was just feeling miserable. So, when I'm not feeling well I take comfort in a few things that make the misery a little more bearable. Since this time of year is quite germ infested, I thought you could use a little comfort, too. the basics1. Kleenex Cold Touch Tissues
The Pick-Me-Ups1. Haagen-Dazs Strawberry Ice Cream
Hello! I'm Anna, a former journalist with a whole lot of love in my heart and thoughts in my head. Have blog posts delivered right to your inbox!
January 2017